4D Analytics

Filters 1 2 3

It is possible to apply up to 3 property filters on the report table widget using the Filter1, Filter2, and Filter3 configuration parameters. Each filter is made up of 4 parameters separated by commas – Type,Name,Operator,Value. These parameters are detailed below:

  • Type is Property or View
  • Name is Property Name or View Column Name
  • Operator is:
    • EQ for equals
    • NEQ for not equal
    • ENDSWITH for ends with
    • NOTENDSWITH for not ending with
    • EXISTS for property exists. Only applicable to ‘Property’ type filter and stops rows where the property isn’t found from being shown on the report.
  • Value is value to be filtered. When the operator is EXISTS, this parameter is not required.

So to filter the report on a project manager ‘Joe Bloggs’, the following may be keyed into the Filter1 configuration setting – Property,PROJECT_MANAGER,EQ,Joe+Bloggs. Note that the space has been replaced with a + sign to ensure the URL remains valid. Other reserved characters such as ampersand (&) and equals (=) will also need to be encoded using the percent-encoding method (e.g., ‘&’ is ‘%26’ and ‘=’ is ‘%3D’).

Note: Filters can also be passed on the URL to the report table widget.